Hospital Plans

If you’re young, in good health and not in need of comprehensive medical cover, a hospital plan may just be for you. So what do hospital plans cover?

Hospital Plans in South Africa

Having medical cover these days is essential.

It doesn’t only cover you if you fall ill, but also in the event of an accident.

A hospital plan is a good place to start. It will provide you with the basic yet important cover.

And you can compare cover among many of the major players in the industry – from Bonitas to Discovery medical aid and GEMS medical aid too.

Affordable Hospital Plans

Hospital PlansHospital plans have become an essential form of cover. Most of them cover you for all in-hospital check-ups and procedures and in most cases you won’t be required to pay additional fees for procedures.

Before signing up though, make sure you’re familiar with what procedures are covered so you’re prepared if you need to make a co-payment.

Hospital plans are ideal if:


  • You want hospital cover in case of an accident or emergency
  • You’re young and only require hospital cover for yourself
  • You’re starting your career and want affordable cover


Getting a Hospital Plan

Whether you choose a

there are various plans that offer excellent in-hospital cover. Momentum Health also offers affordable hospital plans. Members can benefit from comprehensive in-hospital cover to suit budget and requirements.

If you’re young and healthy now, at least you will be covered in the event of a chronic illness or serious accident. Most medical aids allow you to upgrade your plan when you want to or when a hospital plan is no longer enough for your and your family’s needs.

Hospital Plan Benefits

Hospital plans offer unlimited in-hospital cover and members are usually required to use a hospital within the medical aid’s network. The plan is perfect if you don’t require day-to-day medical cover but still want to be covered for major medical emergencies and hospitalisation. Consultations and treatments done in hospital are typically paid at 100% of the supplier fee which is an excellent benefit.

Upfront Payments

Sometimes upfront payments will be required such as for special oncology drugs; colonoscopy or back surgery. Make sure that the medical health provider you choose offers upfront information about payments and that the process for getting the right documentation is easy.


Hospital cover has become a vital requirement. You don’t need the highest or most costly plan to be covered for surgeries and other hospital procedures. A good, affordable plan will have you covered.

If you can’t afford a comprehensive medical aid plan for you and your family, choose a hospital plan that offers quality in-hospital care when you really need it.

Apply for hospital plan quotes by submitting the completed form on this page


All info was correct at time of publishing