Cheap Hospital Plans

In a tough economic climate it has become very important to find cheap hospital plans. Most of the working class in South African have realised that the risk of not having medical cover is just too great. A basic hospital plan seems to be the answer to this dilemma. Rather pay a small monthly amount, than be caught unawares later on.

Where to look for cheap hospital plans in South Africa

There are now many options of hospital plans in South Africa. Websites such as this one can help take the stress out of your search. It will only take you 1 minute to complete and send. Cheap Hospital PlansNow you can simply wait for a few good quotes for affordable hospital plans to land straight in your inbox. You decide yourself which of the cheap hospital plans you want to investigate further.

You will see that there is a selection box with an option for your income; don’t ignore this. Companies like Bonitas and even Discovery are now offering really good benefits with premiums that adjust according to your income. You get the same benefits as everyone else on the same plan but at a more affordable premium. This is helping a lot more South Africans find cheap hospital plans that offer sufficient cover for the entire family.

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Private health insurance companies are also offering cheap hospital plans South Africa

Cheap hospital plans are becoming more accessible. Companies like Discovery Health may not offer the cheapest hospital plan, but they are most certainly providing some good options. They are offering 6 different plans with unlimited in-hospital cover. By doing this, Discovery have created an avenue for the average income earner to have decent medical cover. If there are any limitations on one of their plans, it would only be that they need to go to a network selected hospital. This would be defined and explained on the plan selected.

Other private companies offering medical insurance are offering very similar options in the hope of providing a cheap hospital plan. Some of the companies start off a bit high and the benefits are not quite adequate at that rate. However, others are offering really good hospital plans at excellent rates.

Medical Insurance or Medical Aid

It’s always best to ensure you have cover with a proper Medical Aid even if it’s just for in-hospital cover. There are many companies in South Africa that are offering cheap hospital plans from a Medical Insurance perspective. This includes in-hospital cover and cover for other specified diagnosis.

But every benefit is capped or has a maximum amount that is paid out. They may advertise “up to R5000 per day for hospital stays longer than 10 days” – so how do you pay for the first 9 days? This type of cheap hospital cover alone would leave you with literally thousands to pay from your own pocket!

If you feel your medical aid is lacking a bit, this type of cover can be used as a top-up rather than the only cover you have. Keep that in mind when searching for cheap hospital plans.

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All info was correct at time of publishing