How to Find Affordable Hospital Plans

A hospital plan is often the last resort to having some kind of medical cover, but can still cost a fair amount. A person’s greatest concern is that if ever they are admitted into hospital, how they will pay for the costs? Those that are a little more medical aid savvy will be concerned about what percentage of the costs the plan will cover. Are there still affordable hospital plans out there? Will they really cover all the in-hospital costs?

What would you define as the best hospital plan

More important than the overall cost is what affordable hospital plans really cover. The average plans promise to cover your costs once you are admitted into the hospital. However, it’s also important to see exactly how much affordable hospital plans promise to cover. Take a moment to read the detail and ask questions.

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Look out for the tricky words

Affordable Hospital PlansThey all promise to be affordable hospital plans, but look out for the tricky words and make sure you understand.

Overall Annual Limit” – this is the total amount the plan is willing to cover you during one year. If you exceed this, you pay in the difference.

Subject to x companies tariffs” – this is a special rate that is arranged between the practitioners/hospitals and if anyone charges more, you are responsible for paying the difference.

Take a quick look at the wording for Discovery Health Core Series –“Guaranteed full cover in hospital for specialists who we have a payment arrangement with, and cover for other healthcare professionals at 200% of the Discovery Health Rate on Classic plans and 100% of the Discovery Health Rate on Essential and Coastal plans”

Do your own health insurance comparison

If you take a quick look around, you will see there are many options for hospital cover, Therefore, it’s important to do your own comparison. To get you started, let’s take a quick look at a few.

Bonitas hospital plan appear to have two options, one for the lower income client and one for the higher. The lower income client gets added out of hospital GP visits, dentistry, as well as what they call “supplementary” benefits. This definitely adds value to affordable hospital plans.

Affordable hospital plans from Discovery

The Discovery hospital plan also has a few options that include external benefits, but the basic cover at Discovery limits you to a network of hospitals. However, they do state “unlimited private hospital cover”.

The basic Medihelp hospital plan is limited by a network of hospitals, but they do not have any annual limits. If you choose a higher plan, you can go to any hospital again without worrying about annual limits.

Momentum hospital plan has similar benefits to Medihelp. On the basic plan you are limited to a network of hospitals which do not have any annual limits. You will notice that there are also some added out-of-hospital benefits included in the plan.

As you can see, finding affordable hospital plans is possible, but ensuring your needs are covered even more so. Take a moment to complete the form to your right and let someone with a little experience do the leg-work for you.

To compare hospital plan quotes please complete the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing