Fedsure medical Aid piles On the Benefits.
Fedsure medical aid has more than enough benefits.
Such as in and out of hospital benefits, medical saving accounts, chronic illness, specialist and GP visits, day to day and maternity benefits.
Now Fedsure medical Aid adds Even more
Upgrade facilities should you suffer an unfortunate event such as being diagnosed with a chronic condition,
- Post-trauma counselling,
- Financially dependent young adults up to 27 years of age charged child rates,
- Contraceptive coverage,
- “Always on” Fedsure nurse-line assistance,
- Extreme, professional and adventurous sports cover,
- International travelling cover benefits,
- The use of a Doula during labour.
Fedsure medical Aid sure takes Care of you
The obvious choice is Fedsure hospital plans, as irrespective of scheme choice, value for money is always assured.
Get medical aid information instantly by completing and submitting your medical aid quote form today!
All info was correct at time of publishing