What are the Benefits of KeyHealth Hospital Plans

Here we will have a look at the benefits of KeyHealth:

  • healthy people battling with monthly expenses appreciate a hospital plan
  • those who consistently reach the end of the Medical Savings Accounts by the middle of the year look at hospital plans
  • hospital plans come at a substantially lower cost than medical aids
  • just like on medical aid plans, hospital plans cover 26 chronic conditions
  • just like medical schemes, hospital plans fall under the Medical Schemes Act of 1998. Note that hospital cash-back plans are sold by insurance companies and are not covered by these regulations.
  • if your finances are tight, a good hospital plan is a preferable choice


Everybody would love to have a medical aid in South Africa. Having medical cover is desirable as it can prevent you landing up in a state hospital.

Medical cover has, however, become out of reach for most South Africans. It is certainly a sought after plan for those who are young and who consider themselves healthy.  This is when a hospital plan is worth considering as it can at least offer you basic medical cover.

Hospital Plans – Benefits of KeyHealth

Benefits Of KeyHealthA hospital plan has become an essential form of medical cover and what you get will depend largely on the plan you have. That is why you need to understand what procedures are covered before you sign up for one of these plans. Once you sign up for one of them, as your financial situation changes you may want to move from your hospital plan to full medical cover.

Many medical aids of South Africa offer these hospital plans. They suit the young and healthy, they suit those on a tight budget and they suit people battling with chronic medical conditions. Some of them even have out-of-hospital benefits. There is no doubt that hospital cover is a worthwhile consideration.

KeyHealth offers affordable medical aid, and this includes the hospital plan, allowing you to have access to emergency-, day-to-day, and preventative health care.

Members of KeyHealth appreciate that KeyHealth prefers to focus on delivering products which are free of frivolous, unwanted add-ons and that what you get is pure medical care.

The Benefits

Keyhealth’s hospital plan offers its members – Benefits of KeyHealth

  • specific cover for certain procedures and medicine
  • their Essence Benefits Package offers unlimited hospital cover at Keyhealth’s network of Designated Service Providers. The cover is at 100% of their tariff structure and limited day-to-day benefits. The main member will need to make a monthly contribution of R1278 to belong to this plan.This cover will take care of theatre fees and high care. Some procedures will require a co-payment. This package also caters for psychiatric treatment to the value of R12 000 as well as R95 000 oncology cover. This plan is ideal for those on a tight budget.
  • their Equilibrium Benefits Package also provides for unlimited hospital cover at 100% of the tariff structure. This option also includes specialist visits in hospital at 150% of our tariff. The package also offers a day-to-day package for out-of-hospital expenses.
  • their Silver Benefits Package offers mid-level medical healthcare cover. It also includes comprehensive cover for out-of-hospital expenses as well as unlimited in-hospital care at 100% of their tariff structure
  • their Gold Benefits Package is for those who want optimal in-hospital care cover, out-of-hospital and day-to-day cover. This plan also has a savings account.
  • Keyhealth’s Platinum Benefits Package is their flagship package. This plan offers the most comprehensive in-hospital, out-of-hospital and day-to-day care cover. Added in are maternity-, oncology and radiology benefits. The main member will need to part with R6 796 a month in 2017 to be part of this very comprehensive hospital plan.


Make a Wise Choice with the Many Options Available – Benefits of KeyHealth

Keyhealth has done everything possible to keep membership fees affordable while making provision for excellent medical care. Claiming from them is also easy.

When it comes to finding out which hospital plans are best suited to your needs, speak to a consultant at Keyhealth. They are knowledgeable and will explain the plans to you so that you can make a wise decision.


Fill in the form on this page to get a FREE hospital plan quote.

All info was correct at time of publishing