Benefits of Hospital Plans
South Africa has many medical aids to choose from. They come with a host of different packages aimed at people at all stages of their life. These medical schemes are so exorbitant that most people cannot afford them. The medical aids do at least have the grace to offer free quotes, but on examination of these it becomes clear that medical aids are for the rich only. People are desperate because they know that medical examinations, operations and medicines can never be paid for without the assistance of a medical aid. They are looking to benefits of hospital plans.
Will Your Funeral Precede Your Medical Treatment?
If you do not stand to get private benefits of hospital plans, the only other way to afford and to get heart bypass surgery in South Africa is through the public health system. Because of staff- and resource constraints, patients have to wait so long for treatments that a funeral might come way before the treatment. South Africa fortunately has some great and affordable benefits of hospital plans for the many South Africans who find that comprehensive medical cover has become a drain instead of a gain.
R3 a Day gives Yo
u R4000 per day in Hospital
Hospital plans are known as medical aid hospital plans or hospital cash plans. The protection differs depending on whether you are looking for a medical aid hospital plan only or a hospital cash back plan. A medical aid hospital plan will pays for your bills while you are in hospital and a hospital cash plan is an insurance policy which pays out cash when you are in hospital. These are the main benefits of hospital plans.
Benefits of hospital plans
Whatever treatment you have in hospital, you get a cash payment for each day in hospital. It isn’t a medical aid, which means it won’t pay for medical services, but you can put the cash towards medical bills you have. Look at the Prime Hospital Plan for instance.
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Benefits of hospital plans: By paying as little as R3 a day for the Prime Hospital Plan, you can receive up to R4000 per day to to cover hospital fees. As a reputable insurance company, Prime Meridian is popular because of its cheap rates and superb services. With their hospital plan you can also enjoy accidental disability benefits, affordable Family Plans and maternity benefits.
Hospital plans offer cash-strapped South Africans many benefits:
● hospital plans are much cheaper than a membership of a full medical aid programme. Different plans offer different types of protection. All hospital plan providers have a tie up with certain hospitals which form a part of their network.
● in-hospital benefits – you enjoy protection against the financial ramifications of being hospitalised. Most hospital plans provide full coverage if you are admitted to a hospital within the network.
● hospital plans are required by law to offer Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB). Chronic illnesses fall under PMBs as well. In fact some 27 PMB chronic conditions have been specified by Government.
● hospital plans make provision for take home medicine for people so that they can complete their convalescence at home without having to fork out for medications. The extent of the medications will vary with each hospital plan.
You Don’t Know whats Going to Happen in the Next Few Minutes
Nobody knows what the next few minutes of your life will be like. You could be struck down with a stroke while you’re preparing your morning coffee. Accidents and illnesses come quietly and quickly. How are you prepared for this? With Prime Meridian’s Prime Hospital Plan, you can have peace knowing that for these unforeseen events there the benefits of hospital plans are looking out for you and your medical expenses. Check out the benefits of hospital plans by getting an online quote now.
* On YouTube and expert talks about the difference between the benefits of hospital plans and medical schemes
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All info was correct at time of publishing