Maternity Benefits from OnePlan

Does health insurance in South Africa have maternity benefits?

Deciding to have a family in South Africa today requires bravery and guts. Giving birth and the accompanying costs after the birth can make you think twice.

Sign up for Health Insurance BEFORE becoming Pregnant

It’s no good being pregnant and only then deciding to join a medical aid or hospital plan. You’ll have to contend with a waiting period so that you don’t have cover for the time you’re pregnant. You’ll certainly battle to find a medical aid that will cover your pregnancy.

If you are already pregnant, you’ll need to think seriously about where you’re going to have your baby. That is because private and public health care facilities can differ greatly in terms of care and professionalism.

A Move from Medical Aid to Health Insurance

Having a baby in a private hospital can be a costly affair, even with medical aid. Medical aids in South Africa pay for Maternity Benefitschildbirth costs, but your scheme may well not cover the rates of private specialists who charge well over the standard tariffs set by the medical scheme.

What about health insurance? It is certainly cheaper than medical aid and it offers maternity benefits as well. Oneplan Health Insurance provides a range of useful health insurance products for their customers.

OnePlan isn’t a medical aid but they’re an authorised financial services provider – a short term   insurance product. Just one of the plans they offer is their Core Plan from just R 330 a month. Apart from getting up to R300 for each general practitioner’s visit, the plan also offers maternity benefits.

What about maternity benefits?

With their Maternity Pre Birth Plan you can expect up to R520 per visit with an annual limit of R1 566. Apart from the Core Plan, OnePlan offers several other plans with different premiums payable each month.

Their other plans are the Blue Plan, Professional Plan and Executive Plan. The Executive Plan for instance, is still very reasonable, at R1 025 a month and their Maternity Benefits include up to R550 per visit, 4 visits per pregnancy and an annual limit of R 2050. Not only that, there is also specialist cover up to 1 900 for a visit.

Sought After Risk Cover

A hospital cash plan from OnePlan is sought after risk cover for many South Africans who can no longer afford a medical aid. These plans pay-out a cash amount to the client. Hospital cash back plans with maternity benefits have become a sought after form of insurance for South Africans, paying cash to person who is insured for each day they spend in hospital.

Just like with a medical aid, most hospital cash back plans won’t cover the hospitalisation of a woman who is already pregnant at the time of signing up for the insurance. Only hospitalisation for a future pregnancy will be covered.

Give Your Infant a Good Start

Maternity cover is essential protection for childbirth unless you’re super rich and can pay cash. The staggering costs of specialist care and a stint in a private hospital is out of the question for most South Africans, even with medical aid.

You dare not face a pregnancy without some form of a health care plan. That is if you want to avoid going into serious debt and bringing your newborn into the world already enshrouded in anxiety and uncertainty.

All info was correct at time of publishing