What Precisely is Essential Med? Is it Medical Aid?
What is Essential Med?
- A company that believes in treating clients as individuals.
- Health insurance, not a medical aid.
- A company that offers affordable insurance.
- Choose the level of cover to suit you.
- A well-trusted household name in South Africa.
Essential Med was established in 2005 and came about as a response to the need for flexible, affordable and comprehensive health cover to South Africa. It was a market disrupter back then and still leads the way with innovative health products.
What is Essential Med? – It’s Different
Essential Med is different because it doesn’t try to lump everyone into the same category. You get to choose the cover that you want and the benefits that you need. You get a plan that suits your lifestyle and that suits your pocket as well.
The benefits range from standard day-to-day benefits through to comprehensive hospital cover so that you can get the help that you need when you need it the most.
The company has proven that they are passionate about providing care to individuals and show the same standard of care when it comes to businesses. They will work with you to come up with group insurance for employees that really assists them.
The company is not one to rest on its laurels. It looks for ways to improve what it offers and add enhancements that benefit all of its members.
There are four basic options on offer from Essential Med, in addition to their group cover options.
What is Essential Med? – Student
The last thing that you need as a student is a big whack of medical bills on top of your student loans. Or, worse still, having to drop out because you cannot get the care you need to recover from a medical setback.
The Student plan covers full-time students for R206 per month and includes hospitalisation due to accidents, cover for permanent disabilities and funeral cover.
What is Essential Med? – Single Person
If you are starting out on your career path, you need to make allowances for the fact that you will sometimes need emergency medical care. Not being able to afford proper medical care for illnesses can cause an expensive setback in your career.
This plan costs R272 per month and covers a single person. It includes cover for hospitalisation as a result of accidents or illness. You are also covered for permanent disability and enjoy funeral cover.
What is Essential Med? – Single Parent
Raising a child on your own is hard enough without having to fork out for exorbitant medical expenses. This plan covers you and your child for R425 per month.
This plan includes cover for day-to-day medical expenses, hospitalisation as a result of an accident and permanent disability cover. Casualty visits are covered and so is funeral cover.
What is Essential Med? – Couple with Two Children
A standard medical aid when you have a spouse and two children to cover can cost over R2500 per month easily. Essential Med has come up with a far more affordable solution.
This cover is just R1 200 per month. It includes cover for day-to-day medical expenses and hospitalisation due to illness or accident. It also includes cover for permanent disability and funeral cover.
Essential Med offers a range of products to suit every life stage.
All info was correct at time of publishing