Affinity Health Offers Interesting Hospital Cover Products

It is becoming the trend in South Africa to drop expensive medical aid plans and to rather go for the more affordable hospital plan such as those offered by Affinity Health. These hospital plans refer to a type of medical aid plan or a type of insurance policy which comes with cash payouts. You get medical aid hospital plans and hospital cash back plans, each one offering different products with different benefits.

About Affinity Health

Affinity Health offers interesting hospital cover products, and if you have a baby, the infant is covered with no waiting period unless the baby was born within the 12 month waiting period.

Affinity are a leading provider of medical- and health insurance products. They aren’t a medical aid – they are a medical insurance, and they go by their saying ‘simple, cost effective and proven.’ If you want to know more about their hospital cover, they are available to you on 0861 11 00 33 to discuss your options. They offer South Africans affordable health insurance products, and their hospital plans have a maximum entry of 54 and 65 for their day to day Affinity Healthplans.

As a leading provider of affordable medical- and health insurance, Affinity Health recognises that most South Africans are precluded from affordable, quality primary healthcare services. They simply can’t afford the rising medical costs.

Affinity Health was established so that they can give all South Africans affordable health care services. Their services extend to excellent dental care as well. Affinity Dental, a sister company to Affinity Health, also provides you with excellent  professional dental care through their network of more than 2 000 dentists. At Affinity Dental, they allow you to also spread out your costs of dental treatment through their innovative dental health plans. You can ask them about their dental care by calling them on 0861 55 55 22.

What Affinity Offers

  • A choice of medical providers and hospitals – quick access to them.
  • Effortless claims process.
  • Extraordinary benefits at affordable pricesFor only R499 per month for each member, Affinity’s hospital plan offers.
  • Daily cash benefit cover for hospitalisation – illness, accident and maternity.
  • Emergency medical care with guaranteed hospital admission.
  • Permanent disability- and accidental death lump sum payment.


Two Top Plans from Affinity

Let us just look at two of their hospital plans – hospital cover for illness hospitalisation and dread disease hospitalisation.

Remember that with a hospital plan, you can go to any hospital – private or state. Just remember that stated benefits will be paid to you and you will be responsible to settling with the hospital. You are able to select any hospital you like.

Illness Hospitalisation – maximum of 21 days per illness per beneficiary

– Day 1 – R7500.
– Day 2 & 3 – R4 500.
– Day 4 & 5 – R3 000.

After that R1500 is payable each day for up to 21 days.

Dread Disease Hospitalisation –  for dread diseases like heart attack, kidney failure, blindness etc -annual limit of R200 000. Each day R9 000 is payable.

Affinity Health has some interesting cover to care for your health –  they offer the full house – and their hospital cover products will ensure that you are happy to be a member. Their services are affordable, friendly and within reason. What a privilege it is to be the recipient of fantastic health care at such affordable prices.

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All info was correct at time of publishing